In Mango, our all-in-one client management system, creating new tasks has never been easier.

One of the central features included in your Mango account is the ability to set up reminders for your day-to-day tasks, or "To-do's", as we call them.
Your all-in-one Contact management platform gives you two ways or rather two kinds of to-do's: There are the to-do's that you can share with your team, these are set up in association with contact or customer accounts, or other teammates and business associates, and therefore folks on your team can see them when they access a customer account, then there are the To-do's that are personal and only you can see them.
In this guide, I will walk you through how to add both types of to-do's.
Creating a Private to-do
Adding a (Private) to-do 1. Log into your Mango account
2. Click on the To-do link
3. Click on "Add to-do's"
4. Fill in all fields as your new to-do will not save if all fields are not completed
5. Click "Save" once all fields are completed
Adding ( shareable) team to-do's
Adding ( shareable) team to-do's
1. Log into your Mango account
2. Click on the "Contacts" link to access all your contacts. ( Learn how to add a contact)
3. Search for the contact with whom your to-do will be associated
4. Click on the contact's name once you locate their account
5. Click on the "To-do's" tab
6. Fill in all fields as your new to-do will not save if all fields are not completed