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Email Campaigns

With Mango's "Email Campaign" feature, you can easily send out email campaigns to your contact lists with just a few clicks

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Start with an announcement

Each email campaign in Mango Can be started by first creating an announcement

Create a campaign

Once you have created an announcement, it is time to create an email campaign to be sent to your contacts.

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Here is what you do

1. Log into your account

2. Click on the "Announcements" menu link

3. Search for, or scroll to the announcement you wish to send as an email campaign.

4. Click on the "Email Campaign" button

5. Fill in the fields in the popup. Please note that you can select bulk recipients based on the tags you chose to separate your contacts.


Email campaigns will be sent to the email addresses you have for each contact. You must also specify which contacts have agreed to receive email campaigns from you. You can do so by clicking on each contact's name in the contacts table and checking the box to allow email campaigns. 

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