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Feature guide: How to create your PayPal.Me link

Once a customer pays you for a specific product or service, the status of the transaction will automatically change from "Pending" as set up by you, to "Complete"

In this article, we shall learn how to generate a Paypal payment link to use when setting up new products and/or services in your Mango account.

The whole idea behind this feature is to allow you and other members of your team to quickly bill your customers directly for goods and services sold by your firm right from your MangoCRM account.

You will only have to do this once for each product or service. Once you are all set up, you can easily add products and services to your customers' accounts and they, the customer/contact, will automatically receive email notices to log into their accounts to pay you.

Once a customer pays you for a specific product or service, the status of the transaction will automatically change from "Pending" as set up by you, to "Complete"

Members of your team will also be able to add products and services to customer accounts. Only you, however, and other Admins can create products and services.

Here's how to create your PayPal.Me link:

See it in action:

2. Log into your PayPal Business account if necessary.

3. Click Get Started.

4. Add your business logo or a photo.

5. Choose your PayPal.Me link name.

6. Review your profile, and terms and conditions.

7. Once you are done with these steps, it is now time to copy your link to use when setting up your products and services.

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